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Outdoor advertising

As soon as you are in any kind of built-up area, you see various forms of outdoor advertising, and in towns and cities the amount of advertising messages can be almost overwhelming. It takes a smart approach and well thought-out placement to be seen today.

At XLoutdoor, we have access to some of the best outdoor advertising spaces on the market and can also offer many creative solutions and ideas that others do not have in their portfolio. Our experience shows that you get the best possible results if you mix several different channels so that the message is visible on several surfaces.

Outdoor advertising can take many forms and it is not always easy to choose. We always start with your brand and the campaign you want to implement to find the best solutions for you.

Some effective channels for outdoor advertising that we like to highlight a little extra are façade banners and digital outdoor advertising, also called DOOH. These are two very effective advertising media where you can create effective campaigns with simple means that are really visible and effective.

Many companies make the mistake of thinking only of metropolitan areas when planning outdoor advertising campaigns, but there are so many other locations and opportunities for effective outdoor advertising. We have advertising spaces all over Sweden, as well as large parts of Norway, Finland and Denmark. Being visible in the country gives your brand an edge over many competitors. We have the market’s largest range of façade banners, and we produce new surfaces free of charge on request.

Think, for example, of temporary sporting or other events, fairs, near attractions, etc. Where fixed advertising spaces are not possible, we can create pop-up campaigns with a real wow effect.

Thinking nationwide or even targeting the whole of the Nordic region gives you great advantages and the opportunity to take market share from competitors – just thanks to effective outdoor advertising.

Not sure what will be best for your campaign?

There are many aspects to consider when planning a campaign. Where is the target audience? How much exposure do you want? Do you want the campaign to be a hot topic? We are happy to help you find the right advertising space for your campaign!